It's pretty clear that the producers of Q and A are determined to keep the panel leaning to the left. In fact, they are so desperate to achieve this outcome that they'll often invite guests who have little or no interest in politics, and are so stupid they even make other lefties look smart.
Kate-Miller Heidke is a case in point. She was on the panel last Monday. The producers must have known she was a rolled gold uber-twit. Singers are generally extremely self-centred, after all, and they'd had her on the show previously anyway. But they were confident she'd toe the leftist line -- which she did, of course. So that was all that mattered. (And she did sing a pretty song at the end. Bonus!)
They probably thought they'd made a good decision. But the viewers obviously didn't. Twitter erupted with derision on a scale usually associated with a Sophie Mirabella appearance. Even her fellow muso Anthony Callea laid the boot in, tweeting that she was a "total waste of space".
Realizing that she had to engage in some serious damage control, Miller-Heidke subsequently wrote a post on Facebook basically blaming the show's producers for misleading her about what subjects would be discussed in that episode.
It's petulant, infantile and unintentionally hilarious. There's comedy gold throughout, so I decided to select a section at random:
I suspect that nearly everyone who live-tweets Q and A harbours a secret desire to be on the show themselves. They think they could do a better job than the people on the panel, and that adds spice to the whole thing.
Actually, she's got this kinda right. Yes, many of those tweeting up a storm out in TV-land do believe they could do a much better job -- and with very good reason. They're articulate people who are genuinely interested in the issues up for discussion.
That doesn't add spice to the whole thing. On the contrary, it adds a kind of mass tragic irony. Hell, they have to sit there watching vain quarterwits like Miller-Heidke make utter fools of themselves trying to look like they give a tinker's (which they clearly don't). Then they have to pay for the whole stupid, pointless exercize. Not just wasteful. It's cruel.
Also, Tony Jones is one of the most brilliant and charismatic people alive in the world today.
If you believe that, well you really shouldn't be let out of the house.
But I digress. In the weeks leading up to the taping, I had an anxious tangle in my stomach. I told Clementine Ford that my anus was quivering a little bit. She agreed that that is the feeling you get before appearing on Q and A.
Well, yeah I suppose it would be if you're as vain, vacuous and bum-obsessed as these two bimbos.
It's amazing they even had her on the show in the first place, isn't it? What were they thinking? If she appears on it again it'll prove conclusively that the show's producers have no standards whatsoever.
That tweet about Tony Jones? That was from his mum, I betcha.
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